Meet our Team
The project consortium consists of 5 European organisations with expertise in the areas of education, training, disability and innovation.
We’re from Spain, Slovakia, Lithuania, and Belgium.
COCEMFE, Spain, is an NGO representing people with physical and organic disabilities. Comprising 92 organizations across the nation, COCEMFE spans the entirety of Spain, representing the primary entities serving individuals with chronic diseases. COCEMFE is the coordinator of the D2F project.
University of Coruna
Universidade da Coruña, Spain: public university created in 1989. Specializing on the use of innovative technologies, their initiatives encompass the creation of support products aimed at facilitating access to the information society and the development of digital content for interventions tailored to individuals with disabilities.
Creative District
Creative District is an NGO that advises, develops and promotes initiatives in the creative and cultural industries and social innovation for a sustainable impact. The organization supports entrepreneurship in the creative and cultural industries and develops tools and projects to boost and enhance the creation of jobs in this sector.
Vilniaus Kolegija
VIKO: Institution of Higher Education (VIKO) is the largest accredited University in Lithuania. The university has been awarded the Knowledge Economy Forum for Innovations Diploma. In addition, every year the study programs are revised to respond to the current social and economic requirements of the labor market, meeting the needs demanded by society.
Technicka Univerzita v Kosiciach
The Technical University of Košice was founded in 1952. It meets a wide range of educational needs not only in the Eastern Slovakia region, but also in the whole of Slovakia and Central Europe as in many of the specializations it is the only center of education and research in these areas. TUKE established the Access Center for disability on July 2000, as a special pedagogical workplace for students with disabilities.